Article 1 Name
The name of the Association is the “African Association of International Law” (AAIL).
Article 2 Head Office
The Head Office of the Association is to be located in an African country. The Council shall have the power to establish the location of the Head Office.
Article 3 Objects and purposes of the Association
The objects and purposes of the Association are:
- To foster the development and dissemination of African perspectives and practices of international law, in particular, through the publication of an African Yearbook of International Law and the establishment of an African Centre of Studies and Research in International Law;
- To assist in the development of international law, recognizing the special needs of Africa;
- To promote the teaching of international law in Africa, and to encourage and coordinate research on international law mainly through the establishment of research and study groups on specific themes of relevance to Africa.
Article 4 Membership
Members of the Association, except founding members and honorary members, may be elected by the Executive Committee, acting under such rules and regulations as shall be established by the Council.
- Founding members: The founding members of the Association are those who participated in the preparation for and/or attended the Inaugural Conference of the Association. The names of the founding members will be published in the proceedings of the Inaugural Conference. For the purpose of membership dues founding members shall be considered as ordinary members unless elected by the Executive Committee to another membership class.
- Ordinary membership: Individuals shall be eligible for ordinary membership upon nomination by two members of regular standing. Ordinary members shall pay membership dues and shall thereupon become entitled to all privileges of the Association.
- Institutional membership: African law or international law societies may be eligible for institutional membership upon payment of membership dues determined by the Executive Committee.
- Honorary members: Any person who shall have rendered distinguished service for the promotion of the objects and purposes of the Association may, upon recommendation of the Council, be elected to honorary membership by the Conference. Such members have the full privileges of life membership but pay no dues.
- Additional categories of membership: The Council may establish additional categories of membership upon such terms and with such dues as it shall determine.
Article 5 Organs of the Association
The organs of the Association shall be:
- The General Conference, which shall be composed of all members of the Association;
- The Council, which shall be composed of the Executive Committee, five to nine Vice-Presidents, and the two Executive Editors of the Yearbook;
- The Executive Committee, which shall be composed of the President, the First Vice-President, the Secretary-General, the Assistant Secretary-General/Treasurer, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook.
Article 6 Functions and powers of organs
The General Conference
- The General Conference shall be the supreme organ of the Association and its functions shall include the following:
- To lay down general policies for the activities of the Association;
- To elect members of the Executive Committee, the Council and the Editorial Board of the Yearbook;
- To approve amendments and modifications to this constitution;
- To approve the budget;
- To appoint standing and/or ad hoc committees of the Association with appropriate powers and functions.
- The General Conference shall meet at least once every three years, or more often if it so determines.
- Decisions of the Conference shall be taken by a simple majority of the members present.
- The quorum for a meeting of the General Conference shall be 25 members present and voting.
- The General Conference shall be the supreme organ of the Association and its functions shall include the following:
The Council
- The Council shall, subject to the general control and direction of the General Conference.
- Convene the General Conference and establish their provisional agenda, and the date and venue of such meetings;
- Present a report to the General Conference reviewing the activities undertaken by the Association since the preceding General Conference;
- Circulate such other reports to members on the activities of the Association as it thinks fit or as may be called for by the General Conference;
- Plan and propose the work programme for the Association for consideration by the General Conference;
- Implement the Association’s work programme as approved by the General Conference, with authority to modify the approved budget in the light of unforeseen circumstances as the Conference may from time to time determine;
- Supervise the activities of the Executive Committee;
- Carry out all other acts which appear to be necessary or fitting in order to carry into full operation and effect the objectives of the Association.
- The Council shall endeavor to take decisions by consensus, failing which decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of members present. Each member shall have one vote. The President shall have no casting vote. The Council may coopt additional members if it thinks fit, but any such coopted member shall have no vote. The quorum for a Council meeting shall be five, including at least two non-members of the Executive Committee.
- The Council may, if it thinks fit, transact any business by circulation of papers and a decision approved in writing by majority of its members shall have the same effect as if it had been taken at a meeting of the Council.
- The Council shall meet as often as possible and at least once every two years.
- The Council shall, subject to the general control and direction of the General Conference.
The Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall have the following powers and functions:
- To implement decisions taken at each General Conference and at each Council meeting and shall be responsible for coordination of the activities of the Association;
- To appoint the Director of the Centre of Studies and Research in International Law;
- To undertake the publication of the African Yearbook of International Law and other publications of the Association;
- To receive and manage funds, properties, and other valuables on behalf of the Association;
- To appoint an Administrative Secretary following the establishment of the Head Office by the Council;
- To appoint one of the Committee’s members or a suitable member of the Association to fill and/or perform the duties pertaining to an office which has been vacated or whose holder is unable or unwilling to act during his tenure of office;
- The Executive Committee shall meet as often as necessary for the performance of its functions, and at least once every year.
Article 7 Relationship with national societies, branches etc
Existing national societies having an interest in international law may become national branches or chapters of the Association if they so desire by adhering to the Association as provided under Article 4. Branches and chapters of the Association may also be created in those countries where national societies do not exist. The Association shall encourage the creation of national societies of international law. National societies, not members of the Association, may cooperate with it on the basis of mutually agreed programmes. Such societies may also attend the General Conference.
Article 8 Relationship with similar associations
The Association may become a member of international associations or organizations having similar objects and purposes, or may simply cooperate with them. The Association may seek and be granted observer status at international organizations whose purposes correspond to those of the Association. The Association will cooperate with Associations whether national or international having similar objects and purposes.
Article 9 Committees, working, study and research groups
The Association may establish a research and study centre, committees, working groups, study groups or research groups, or any other organ which it determines to be necessary for carrying out its objects and purposes. Committees, working groups and research groups may be established by the Executive Committee, the Council or the General Conference. The Centre of Studies and Research in International Law shall be established by the Council at the appropriate time.
Article 10 Resolutions
The decision of the organs of the Association shall be adopted in the form of resolutions, and whenever possible, by consensus.
Article 11 Resources
The resources of the Association shall consist of:
- Membership dues;
- Donations, grants, loans and subsidies of any kind;
- Income from activities of the Association and other sources;
- Any other income. Membership dues shall be determined by the Council from time to time. However, the initial membership dues shall be established by the Executive Committee.
Article 12 Amendments
Amendments to this constitution may be made in the General Conference by a simple majority of the members present.
- The Executive Committee shall have the following powers and functions: